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Favorite Characters

Hey Readers,

I was asked this week if I have favorite characters in my stories.

First, Let me say that my characters are also my friends. When I’m writing a story, the characters in that story are my best friends during that journey. I love getting to know them and I’m sad at the end knowing that we’ll soon part. Well, we may part, but they still remain a part of me. I think about them and wonder what’s happening in their life after I’ve departed.

But, this week, when asked, two characters did come to mind. One of my favorites is Miranda in the story of the same name. At eighty-seven pounds, Miranda is a chronically underweight thirty year old virgin who thinks love has passed her by. A professional dishwasher, she works in kitchens, lives alone, reads romance novels, and dreams of finding Mr Right. I love Miranda and I love her story.

The second character who came to mind is Gemma in the story of the same name. Born genetically perfect, but into a dysfunctional family, Gemma was dealt a bum hand. Mother a drug-addicted prostitute. Father in prison. Abusive foster fathers. A runaway. Teenage street prostitute. It was always Gemma versus a cold harsh world. Our story begins when Gemma, tough, bitter, and hardened from a life of abuse, is fighting to pull her life together. I love Gemma and really believe, against all odds, that she’s making it.

Life deals hands that are less than perfect. What we do with that hand is up to us. I love writing about characters fighting to overcome a bad hand.

Keep fighting, and keep reading.





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